Armée de l'Air colors in WWII
Conversion table
Color | RGB | Notes | FS.595b | LifeColor | Vallejo | Tamiya | AK |
Gris Bleu Clair | B1B9A8 | Standard scheme lower surfaces from 1938 | FS 36473 | LC UA141 | AV 71.257 | TAM XF-23 | |
Kaki Francais | 586742 | Standard scheme upper surfaces from 1938 | FS 34096 | LC UA142 | |||
Terre/Brun Fonce | 3B2918 | Standard scheme upper surfaces from 1938 | FS 30045 | LC UA143 | AV 71.287 | TAM XF-51 | |
Chamois | C1A175 | 1939-1945 interior and metal parts | FS 33448 | LC UA144 | |||
Gris Bleu Fonce | 8B9EA8 | Standard scheme upper surfaces from 1938 | FS 35237 | LC UA145 | AV 71.097 | TAM XF-82 | |
Vert Kaki/Pomme | 66735D | Standard scheme upper surfaces from 1938 | FS 34128 | LC UA146 | AV 71.285 | TAM XF-26 |
Fighters interior
(from https://imodeler.com/2019/12/tamiya-148-scale-dewoitine-d-520/)
- tubular structure: light gray, barely bluish
- instrument panel: matt black
- instruments and switches: satin black
- seat: medium blue gray (same as tubular structure?)
- right radio compartment: light gray
- gas control ball: varnished wood
- flap and landing gear controls: aluminum with red ends
- trim adjustment wheel: wood
(from https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235056209-dewoitine-d520-color-confusion/)
- Underside: Gris Bleu Clair: FS 35189, TAM XF-23
- Gris Bleu Fonce: FS 35164, GSI C366
- Kaki: FS 34087, GSI C304. Vert is apparently FS 34223?
- Brun: FS 30099, still trying to figure out a good match. Terre de Sienne is apparently FS 30108?
- Cockpit: Bleu de Nuit: FS 35044, MRP US Insignia Blue
White Ensign Model colorsets
(from https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/hyperscale/colours-for-dewoitine-d-520-t64230.html)
- ACF 01, Vert Moyen (Medium Green);
- ACF 02, Vert Fonce (Ivy Green);
- ACF 03, Terre d'Ombre Nat. (Raw Earth);
- ACF 04, Chocolat (Burnt Sienna);
- ACF 05, Gris Fonce (Dark Blue-Grey);
- ACF 06, Ombre Calcinee (Dark Earth);
- ACF 07, Kaki (Dark Olive Drab);
- ACF 08, Vert (Green);
- ACF 09, Gris Bleu Clair (Sky Grey);
- ACF 10, Gris Bleu Ciel (Sky Blue);
- ACF 11, Chamois (interior protective coating);
- ACF 12, Bleu Fonce (cockpit interior dark blue).
(from same thread)
For the cockpit Interior, you can use USN Dark Sea Blue (flat) and if you want, add a touch of black. The wheel wells and gear were painted the underside color For the underside color, I've used TAM XF-25. For the top side blue-gray, I've used TAM XF-54. For the Brown, any dark brown. The problem with Tamiya browns is that they are too reddish (although I've used TAM XF-68 for the Hawk 75, which allegedly used a redder brown than other aircraft). The paint chips I have of the French brown show them as pretty straight forward dark brown. The Green is the other problem, it is sort of a khaki-green. A pssible mix is a little TAM XF-57 or TAM XF-52 to XF-67.
(from https://doogsmodels.com/2012/08/02/tamiya-dewoitine-d-520-pt-3-painting/)
- Gris Bleu Clair (underside): 5: GSI C315 + 3: GSI C1 + 2: GSI C337 C1C2C4
- Gris Bleu Fonce: 5: GSI C337 + 4: GSI C315 + 1: GSI C110 7F858F
- Terre Fonce: 5: GSI C131 + 4: GSI C369 + 1: GSI C316 695F5B