
Color schemes of the Regia Aeronautica
Color schemes used by the Regia Aeronauitca in WWII (post in Italian)

Looking back to my 2023 in modelling
And another year is passing by... from the scale modeling point of view, this was not one of the most productive ones, but some kits came out quite...

Have a glass
Have Glass is the code name for a series of RCS reduction measures for the F-16 fighter. Its primary aspect is the addition of an indium-tin-oxide...

Regia Marina colors in WWII
Conversion table for colors used by the Italian navy during WWII

Regio Esercito colors in WWII
Conversion table for colors used by the Regio Esercito in WWII

2023 IPMS Seattle Spring Show
It happened!

Aircrafts of the Regia Aeronautica
An almost comprehensive list of aircrafts used by the Regia Aeronautica around the WWII period

My BattleTech color schemes
I don't often play BattleTech, but when I do, I use these color schemes

Armée de l'Air colors in WWII
A few notes about colors used by the French military in the Armée de l'Air during WWII

VITOCHARTS Regia Aeronautica 1916-1943
History and color chip scans from the 1997 Vitocharts publication

Colors of the Regia Aeronautica
A conversion table of Regia Aeronautica colors, with references to FS.595b, Gunze, LifeColor, Vallejo, Tamiya, and AK* paints

A modular storage system for planes
It comes a time, in the life of a modeler, where one contemplates the vast array of built models and the massively larger stash hidden somewhere in...
Airbrushing report
*Greg is looking to get into airbrushing after many years of paintbrush and rattle cans. I'll try to put down my experience so far in order to help...

Not dead yet
Just a very quick reminder that I (and this blog) am not dead yet :) As a recap, my [F/A-18E](/kits/0008) is displayed at the [Museum of...

Quick update
On the modelling front... The diorama I'm building for my father in law has entered the final stretch. Figure and chopper are done, the perforated...
My progress so far
It's been a couple of months since I came back to aircraft modelling and one month since I started the :rap:. Let's see if I can take stock of what...

Scalemates integration
Just a bit of a departure from all these modelling posts, but somehow related. I wanted to show my stash and my wishlist on my website (this one...

The Regia Aeronautica Project
This project aims to build some of the most important and iconic aircrafts used by the [Regia...
Big haul on Saturday
In my weekly visit to the :skyway:, I finally got my [Special Hobby 1:72 Fiat...
New stuff in the stash
While working on the Messerschmitt Bf109G-6, I managed to get ahold of an Hasegawa 1:72 [Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero Fighter Type...
Current kits
My stash so far: * [Spitfire Mk.VII & Mosquito FB Mk.IV "Operation Overlord"]( -...
Back from the dark years
Hi again, it's me. Again. The "dark years" is a term allegedly coined by Lego to describe that period of time in one's life between childhood and...
Old flames
:cog:  We meet again, [old...
Tyranids color scheme
:cog: Not being used to paint nids, I was looking around and came across this one today. It does have a kind of a lobstery feel to it, and I like...
Fall 2014 hobby challenge
:cog: Summer is the killer of commitments. Besides being a bit busy shipping a phone, and enjoying a delightful vacation to Tuscany, I confess...
Cheap bits from the UK
:cog: Interesting company that sells some very cheap bases, weapons and a very interesting mobile weapons platform.

Fall 2013 hobby challenge
:cog: Besides compiling the 8000 pts army list and completing the army itself, I thought it would be nice if we were to create better objective...
October 2013 game day
:cog: So yeah, I'm back. I got my fill of Roman history that I forgot since junior high and couldn't fail to notice the constant references and...
August 2013 game day
:cog: So, we should be ready for Game Day on the 18th of August! Greg will update this thread with logistic info, etc... in the meanwhile,...
Paints, brushes and airbrushes
:cog: I tried to use the Vallejo Game Color Silver (72.052) with my airbrush. I thinned it by approx. half and it was an unmitigated disaster....
3D printing
:cog: While waiting for my ForgeWorld autocannons to dry, I found <a...

March 2013 hobby challenge
:cog: Well, I have decided that my focus should be into creating a 2000+ pts pure Deathwing army. That will include two more close combat squads...
The things we do...
:cog: Like... I just got an ounce or two of UNUSED cat litter for my bases. Or saving the foil from a wine bottle during dinner with friends...
February 2013 hobby challenge for Paolo
:cog: 1. Finish Librarian Quinctilius 1. Complete the 2nd Deathwing terminator squad (3 models to go) 1. Convert and finish the 10th scout...
Gear bag
I know my readers are on the edge of their seats, waiting with baited breath to know what kind of gear I shuffle around when I try to do any kind of...