Looking back to my 2023 in modelling

Posted on 12/30/2023 in blog with tags modelling

And another year is passing by... from the scale modeling point of view, this was not one of the most productive ones, but some kits came out quite nice.

As usual, being part of two wonderful clubs (IPMS Seattle and Northwest Scale Modelers), kept me in touch with great fellow modelers, and gave me the opportunity to talk about and show my work.

In 2023, I completed twelve models, participated in four displays at the Museum of Flight (T-6 monograph, Air aces, Assembly ships, and F-86 monograph), and brought pretty much all my 72 models to the IPMS Spring Show in April (that is not going to happen again :) )

Highlight of 2023

This year, I finally finished my first tank (the M13/40) with a serious set of aftermarket and scratch built additions. I was afraid it would come out as a generic mess, but it turned out more than decent, and I learnt a lot in the process.

Lowlight of 2023

I did not do a lot of modelling this year. Between work, time off, new kittens, etc... I think I took several months where I did not touch anything related to scale models.

2024 resolutions

I want to build a diorama, a few large scale planes, a ship, and some armor. I'll figure out the space to put the finished results later :)

Completed kits

January February March April May June

July August September October November December

Work in progress/on the bench

Museum of Flight displays and shows

Aircraft of the Aces, Museum of Flight, Seattle WA, Feb 2 2023-Jun 1 2023 (John Newcome)

IPMS Seattle 2023 Spring Show, Community Center, Renton WA, Apr 29 2023-Apr 29 2023 (IPMS Seattle)

1st place in category

Highly commended

Highly commended

Highly commended

Highly commended

War-Weary Makeover: Assembly Ships of the 8th Air Force, Museum of Flight, Seattle WA, Jun 1 2023-Oct 5 2023 (Tim Nelson)

F-86 Sabre: Swept-Wing Warrior, Museum of Flight, Seattle WA, Oct 5 2023-Feb 1 2024 (Jim Bates, Will Perry)